Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My Little Family

My wonderful little family, oh I wouldn't trade the world for them! I would do anything and everything I can and could to protect them, at all costs! Like most momma birds, I'm very protective of my sweet little birdies! My five year old is in school, and she absolutely loves it! My two and a half year old will start school next year! The year after, my one and a half year old gets to go too! Needless to say, momma is wondering where the time went.

Sometimes we as mom's tend to think that other momma's lives are perfect, not the case! Some times, a lot of us struggle, DAILY. As much as I love my children, they fight, literally all the time haha, they scream if you don't pay them attention because you have to pee, that's fun being eight months pregnant let me tell ya! They're normal babies that they're expected to be, but sometimes we don't realize that we let our daily stress get to us and we tend to take it out on those around us, our children.
It's not their faults, in fact they can't even try to understand what is going on because it's grown up business! I know that can be hard to remember sometimes, but we need to! Being a stay at home momma can be super stressful, you have a 24/7 hour 365 days a year job! I have to tell myself, a lot, not to get upset with the babies, because they don't get it, they just want you to love them and hold them, YOU are their protector and YOU are their teacher.
They learn and watch, whether you think they are or not! YOU are their first role model and in order to be the role model they need, and desire for that matter, we should take the time, as parents, to learn how God wants us to parent our babies!
Let's learn together, like how we are supposed to! WE are responsible for our children and if they turn out right, nobody else, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to answer to God and try to answer why I didn't raise them like how I was supposed to!


  1. There isn't one perfect momma out there; and there is no such thing as a 'perfect' family, regardless of how they look on the outside! ALL children are unique individuals that have to be trained from the moment of birth! You are doing a great job, keep pushing forward, keep your eyes on Christ and know that you have a family who loves you and supports you <3
