Monday, November 21, 2016

Completely over taken

Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting, I've been so over whelmed with everything, that I have just had no time to be on the computer! I'd like some ideas on what you want to hear about! Suggestions are always welcome and sometimes needed!
Right now, I've been busy with my little family, with doctors appointments, being sick and a bunch more! So, I'll start posting again, but I would LOVE some feed back from you as well! Let me know!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

How to Give More Time to God!

I work sun up to sun down most days, I mean sleeping in for me is 6:45 haha.. A lot of times, I don't catch a break through out the day, between my son not napping and trying to help keep the house clean. So at night when the kids lay down is when I catch my showers, my blogging, my study time with God, and my relax for five minutes before I go to bed! Which is usually around 9:30, if not earlier.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


So, I was finally able to go back to church today, after a month of not being able to go there for reasons I will not say. It was so nice! My kids had so much fun and the message was great! I didn't realize how much I missed it until today! Have you ever had to miss church and go crazy because of it? It's a pain in the rear right?! Why don't we look at some verses about church?

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Blessings can be hard to see sometimes, especially if we are going through a rough patch! A lot of times, unless they're like huge, they're hard to spot, right? Sit down, with a pen and paper, and think of all the small and big blessings you've had today alone.. You either got right through it, or you struggled to think of any. I've been on both sides! Here's my list for today, and today alone, God didn't forget to wake me this morning, my children, fellowshipping at church while cleaning and organizing, bath time, showers, food, a roof over my head, my cat, my bed, my family and their support, some things that I've got lined up for myself, my friends and so on.

Friday, November 11, 2016

When You're Tired

When you're tired, you're ready for bed and just want to sleep, am I wrong? I know that's how I am anyways! We tend to accidentally put God on the back burner when we are tired, whether it's physically, emotionally or mentally. I know a lot of times it can be hard to pray, even just a quick thank you Lord can be hard to get out when we are exhausted!

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Joy, it's something we all love to feel, right? I know I sure do! If you're saved, you know that we can always have that joy, it's up to us to focus on it instead of the trial, test or temptation that we're facing! I know it can be extremely hard to focus on, but sometimes we just need to in order to get through whatever it is we are facing!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coming Closer to God..

Ok, sorry that I haven't been on posting guys, I've had some personal family stuff going on that I can't control. Anyways, during these past few days, I have seen how much I truly call upon God when I need Him the most. Which is close to none, I keep throwing out excuses saying well I can't even think straight, but I can think well enough to cry to my mom or my best friend. That's stopping, today.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Oh yeah, we've all been there, break ups, death of a family member, all kinds of things. They're hard to deal with and seem like they take forever to get over, by the time you think it's ok, something pops up and you break down again.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


We all have fear, some of us anxiety, more so than others, we feel lost, and don't know how to handle it or where to turn to. Trust me, I'm there, and yes it's the worst feeling in the world! It drains you mentally, emotionally, and physically if you let it. We as Christians have to remember where we stand, and that's with God.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Love, Like Jesus Loves You!

Love, when you hear that, what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it's my family, mom, dad, brother, kids, husband, etc. it should be God. I'm just as guilty as you are, believe me! I know during hard and, let's be honest, easy times, it's hard to remember that God is there for us no matter what and that He loves us no matter what we do or what we say. People may love us, but we as people don't have the understanding of love like God does, and with some people, that love is conditional, whereas with God, it is NEVER conditional!

Sneak peak!

This is one of my favorite posts by my mom! You should read it too! Just click on the link and you can continue reading it!

Is it Monday, yet?: Bitterness.. James 3:11 - Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
I Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks:...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

A Little Encouragement!

You know how sometimes you go through a trial, and you feel like there's no end and that you're in the wrong, even though you know that you know that you've done nothing wrong, biblically or morally? Yeah, we've all been there, me included. In fact my family and I are going through a trial right now, but God is so good.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Parenting is Rough, But With God, All Things Are Possible!

Many of us have children, and as those of you who have kids know, it can be very trying. Here's an example, usually my youngest daughter naps but my son doesn't and if he does, he won't go to bed until 9 or 10 at night, which can be very frustrating when there are things that need to be done. I'm going to be honest with you, a lot of times I have issues remembering to call upon God, I'm not perfect! Nobody is.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mom's blog, love this!

Is it Monday, yet?: Gratitude:   I have seen this ALL over Pinterest, I think it said it had been pinned 9.2 thousand times!

My Little Family

My wonderful little family, oh I wouldn't trade the world for them! I would do anything and everything I can and could to protect them, at all costs! Like most momma birds, I'm very protective of my sweet little birdies! My five year old is in school, and she absolutely loves it! My two and a half year old will start school next year! The year after, my one and a half year old gets to go too! Needless to say, momma is wondering where the time went.

Divorce, is it ever ok?

Let's be honest with each other, we either know someone who has been divorced, know of someone or you have been divorced. Maybe you've just considered divorce, but you're not sure if it's the Godly thing to do.
In Genesis 2:24 it says, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.", this meaning that once you are married, in God's eyes and it should be in yours too, you and your spouse are one, you are no longer seen as separate but as one person come together before God.